FA:U (FAU 7) was hosted in Whippany, NJ. Definitely some of the most surprising things that happened at the hotel during this convention which included:
1. Fire alarm going off
2. A wedding with none other than MissNJ
3. A surprise visit from rally car enthusiasts
All-in-all silliness and fun was had.
6 months ago 00:02:33 1
Nazisme ordinaire : bande-annonce du film de propagande Boutcha
9 months ago 00:46:59 1
Прохождение Enemy Front. 4 серия. Финал. Уничтожение ракет “Фау - 2“ и побег из Варшавы.
11 months ago 00:03:47 1
47-й ЧМ СИЗМ по спортивному ориентированию / CISM WMOC 2014. Austria
2 years ago 00:01:06 1
En el barrio más peligroso de Donetsk #ucraniando, #nuevarusia, #donetskwar