Data Visualization using Python Seaborn | Data Science | Seaborn | Visualisation | SuMyPyLab
Data Visualization using Python Seaborn | Data Science | Seaborn | Visualisation | SuMyPyLab
Learn how to generate various types of plots using Python Seaborn package.
seaborn lineplot, relplot, lmplot, displot, catplot, boxplot, stripplot, countplot, boxenplot, etc.
Various plots using tips dataset.
0:05 introdunction
0:23 seaborn installation
0:58 seaborn view available datasets | ()
1:34 seaborn tips dataset | ()
2:25 lineplot | ()
3:20 relplot | ()
5:51 ()
6:11 lmplot | ()
6:52 displot | ()
7:18 displot kde | kernel density estimation
7:39 diplot ecdf | empirical cumutative distribution function
8:45 catplot | () | plotting categorical data | swarn plot, vi olin plot, bar plot
10:11 boxplot | ()
10:36 countplot | ()
10:53 stripplot | ()
13:23 boxenplot | seab