Whoop, whoop, our teacher Alice is nominated for a teacher award

OUR INCREDIBLE ALICE HAS BEEN NOMINATED FOR AN AWARD! Can you help her get to the top? Have you ever seen Alice’s incredible handmade materials and thought “How in the world does she do it?!” …Well I certainly have! Alice puts so much effort into bright, inclusive and interesting worksheets that always bring a smile to our student’s faces! We would love to see Alice as the winner of Twinkles material designer of the year so please follow the link and vote away! Would you like to use her resources to introduce English to your child? Comment below for a free Harry Potter or Cooking workbook! Teacher Laura #summercamp2023 #englishforkids #virtualsummercamp #onlinesummercamp #englishforchildren #englishforprimary #englishforpreeschoolers #twinkl #funenglishworksheets#worksheets #free
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