Final Words That Famous People Said Before Their Last Breath

Final Words That Famous People Said Before Their Last Breath Nobody wants to imagine how their deathbed would look, but yet, everybody has thought about it nonetheless. As eerie as this image might be, pondering about your last words and the last time to shine is nothing unusual. Creepy is as creepy does - neither your thoughts nor the final words have to be ominous, and we have done very thorough research on that. In the list below we have compiled the last words of all kinds of famous people - actors, politicians, musicians, and artists. Some of them died unexpectedly leaving only an incoherent word or two for their loved ones; others clearly had their thoughts in line, offering an inspiring quote as their last message. Some famous celebrities were very serious before their last breath, and some shone with their sense of humor even in such a grave time. No matter how effortless their funny jokes might sound now though, they were likely to be said so that the family and relatives of the decease
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