WINTER FOREST| Watercolor painting. How to paint sunlight in the snow

Enjoy and relax watching a time lapse of winter painting. In this video, you can see the process of painting two snow scenes step by step from a white sheet to the last details. I start painting with the wet-on-wet technique, laying down the basic tonal relationships. Next, I apply a masking fluid to the light areas and darken the tone in layers. Completing the picture, I make the details already on the dried sheet. I found these landscapes while walking in forest in Lithuania. A ray of sun, like a spotlight, lit up a slender Christmas tree covered with snow. Everything around was rather gray, and the snow on its branches shimmered in different shades. This scene has inspired me a lot! And I noticed the second landscape quite by accident, getting lost in the forest. In this landscape, I was attracted by the alluring blue of the dense forest. 🟩“Ray of winter sun“ 20*35.5 cm 2023 🟦“On the forest glade“ 35*35.5 cm 2023
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