The SQUAD - #TacticsDH

The Tactics Downhill Skate Team took another cruise down to meet up with the southern Oregon squad and rally some pack runs on their steep and drifty gems. Jaden Chavez was nursing a sore knee and decided to man the camera for most of the day while Ross Druckrey, Alec Whitman, and Tanner Murphy rallied runs with the homies. *Filmed on closed roads with spotters* The SQUAD: Jaden Chavez Alec Whitman Ross Druckrey Tanner Murphy Conner Stanek Jordan Koehler Brandon Tissen Morgan Owens Dan Mullaney Jonathan Meadows Joel Hill Ryan Smith Film: Jaden Chavez Add. Film: Ross Druckrey Edit: Ross Druc...krey Music: DOOMSTARKS “Victory Laps“ (Madvillainy Remix) Like, follow, and stay up to date with Tactics... Shop - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Pinterest - Blog - http://
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