Which Video Game Introduced Dual Wielding?

Audio commentary: Twitter: Facebook: Using two guns at once is impractical, unrealistic, and generally a liability - and yet we see pistols akimbo in many action-oriented games. So how did such a reckless regard for accuracy originate? What was the first video game that introduced two-pistol gun-play? And how on earth do you reload when both your hands are full? Carrying multiple weapons was once an issue of practicality - with early flintlock pistols taking quite some time to reload, pirates such as Blackbeard would not be seen with a brace of fewer than 6 such sidearms ready-to-fire. By the time of the Old West, revolvers were the norm: and some cowboys will have carried more than one, for those situations where a single six-shooter simply won’t do. Such backup weapons were used singly to avert a lengthy reload, however - firing a weapon from each hand with wild abandon probably reserved for desperados w
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