If they have Heavenly Authority, they can Supersede Physical Authority?

With Sufficient Energy, one appointed with Divine Authority can manifest and override Dunya Authority? Just like the jedi mind trick in Star Wars movie? Controlling the outer and the inner world. One who knows himself will Know his Rabb. Q&A Chapters : 00:00 Why certain people can’t stand the Power of the Ta’weez 04:38 Could you please expand more on the reality and symbolism of the Sun from the teachings of Ashab ul Kahf (Companions of the Cave)? 07:09 Connect specifically with your Shaykh through tafakkur and Allah (AJ) will start teaching you 10:20 Don’t let satan fool you! If you enter this reality all your affairs will be taken care of 13:31 This is a life-long process and struggle 15:13 First call upon and connect with your Shaykh instead of others write the names of support he gives in your book 20:05 Do we choose our rab (authority) or does our rab choose us? Is it predetermined? 26:50 I feel this month that all my bad character is coming out? How do I come b
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