THE HOT HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN CASANOVA! A Love Inspired Bestseller. Russian Movie. English dubbing

Subscribe! The best movies and TV series are here: Konstantin Makheyev is a successful writer - he writes popular detective stories under a pseudonym. Inspiration only comes to Konstantin, however, when he is in love and his feelings are reciprocated with equal passion. However, one affair suffices him for one book only, so Konstantin needs to replace the girlfriends frequently! Konstantin is carried away with the very process of “hunting“ and never gives a thought to what the women feel when he breaks their hearts. When he is planning to strike up a new affair with another “muse”, his attention is suddenly attracted by Asya, a humble girl who has just saved a homeless dog. Their first meeting seems to be a failure when they meet at the police station. However, circumstances cause the young people to constantly encounter each other here and there, so inevitably, the womanising Konstantin unexpectedly finds himself falli
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