EM120X & SDreamExplorerS - Cancel The Spell

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Yo! It’s time to post a BRAND NEW TRACK (actually it was released in january, precicely two months ago), so... Yeah, I know, I’m a bit late, but “better late than never“ always works, right? This track was made in collaboration with my friend Soul Strings. He provided some heavy distorted guitars and I mixed it with some sweet synths, piano melodies and bass. I think we can describe this genre as some sort of trancecore, but who needs tags? You come here for music, don’t you? Anyway, go check the full “Amity“ album by “Ponies At Dawn“ project: ...Free downloads available, but you can always support the project. Awesome track art provided by: And the album art is made by: And don’t forget to check Soul Strings’ channel:
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