Counting 1-10 Song | Number Songs for Children | The Singing Walrus

Watch all of our videos ad free with our app (desktop, apple, or android): Only $ USD per month and $ USD for a year! Numbers Song - Counting From 1-10 The Singing Walrus team is excited to present “Counting from 1 to 10“, the first numbers song of a series dedicated to toddlers and preschool / kindergarten kids, or young ESL students! “Counting from 1-10“ makes it easy for children to learn numbers and basic counting skills - and the tune is very catchy :) We believe that children learn better through engagement, repetition, and fun. This educational numbers song is structured in an intuitive call and response format, so that children are encouraged to repeat each line, in every chorus. The music is energetic and engaging with a bouncy rhythm. At the end of this numbers song, children are challenged to count backwards from 10 to 1. Buy & Download this Song (mp3): iTunes: https://itune
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