Overwatch: Ranked Mistakes EVERYONE Still Makes

Even with Overwatch being out for 2 years many are still a bit set in their approach to ranking up and it often can be misguided and everyone still makes many of these mistakes. Albeit, much of this “matchmaking advice“ might be null in void if you decide to go into the LFG Role Queue system and find teammates to play with, playing with randoms in the mixed queue offers up a lot of problems many players don’t know how to deal with. Whether if its trying to enforce teamplay where it isn’t possible, or filling onto heroes you THINK you need without actually knowing how to play them, there are a lot of pitfalls when trying to grind the ladder. Ultimately, in solo/small queue, you need to focus on your own output, as its the only variable you can control over the course of playing Ranked. OUR VARIETY STREAM! Subscribe here -
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