What people commonly describe as a “British accent” is actually called “received pronunciation”. Regardless of the way people call it, you can definitely master this accent in less than 10 minutes. Download my English workbook: (1) Don’t pronounce every written R This is a MUST! Some languages and accents do pronounce every written “r“, but not standard British English. If a written “r“ is followed by a spoken vowel sound, say the R, and if it doesn’t, then DON’T say it. (2) Touch the teeTH. There are two fricative TH sounds in English: voiceless /θ/ and voiced /ð/. In GB English they are both made with the tongue touching behind the teeth, but in some accents they’re replaced with /f/ and /v/. (3) Pronounce U in with the “ew” or “you” sound In a British accent, a liquid “u” sound, as said in the word you, is used in places where an American accent would pronounce “oo.” (4) Always stress the vowels
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