20 Minutes of Eye Gazing & White Noise Bliss - No Talking
zone in/zone out
be present with me
anxiety passes you by.
be still/be here
nothing else matters
our eyes exchanging replies.
Be present with me, sit with me, join me for some very sleepy post-nap eye time. I find that eye gazing can be so hypnotizing and anxiety reducing, putting you in a trace-like state. Slip into sleep in a calm, relaxed, focused way. I am here only for you in this moment, to connect with you, no matter what feelings or thoughts come up. breathe through it, and know that you are not alone. ***see below.
Benefits of Eye Gazing:
- builds trust with ourselves and others
- increased emotional recognition and awareness
- allows your own emotions and encourages emotional processing
- increases self-awareness and eases self-consciousness
- improves social confidence & comfort with vulnerable conversations
- can be calming, peaceful, leading to deeper breathing, increased oxygen flow and nervous system relaxation
- see ’benefits of meditation’
***If you experience PTSD or another trauma based psychological disorder (or if you just find meditation to be anxiety inducing), this video may not be for you.. and that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. I would recommend something more directed (like personal attention/grooming videos). much love to you.
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