One Minute News (1947)

Full title reads: “One Minute News“. United States of America (USA). 50 killed in plane crash near Charlestown, West Virginia. LS Aerial view of the wreck spreadeagled on the mountain side. Various shots of rescuers searching for bodies amid wreckage and toiling with stretchers over the rough ground. The plane that crashed was a Skymaster. VS of bodies being carried down on stretchers. Free French Day celebrated in London. MS Anthony Eden with a group of Frenchmen. CU General Sir William Slim and Admiral Philip Vian. CU French Generals Legentilhomme and Petit. MS a procession in which women are dressed in French traditional costume, marches to the Cenotaph in Whitehall. MS LS Colours are dipped as wreaths are laid on the cenotaph. Hyde Park, London. Police Horses receive Dicken medal. LS General view of the scene in Hyde Park showing horses lined up. CU MS General J C O Marriott, London districts GOC inspects the parade of mounted policemen. CU the three horses to receive the award. MS
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