Chenresi -
OM MANI PEME HUM - The Tibetan Mantra of Compassion
Album: JEWEL ’Joyful heart through precious Tibetan Mantras’
This Mantra is dedicated to Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Chenresi in Tibetan) who is the embodiment of compassion of all the Buddhas. Hearing this Mantra takes you to your innermost source of compassion and invokes a deep wish that all beings may be free from suffering and that all beings may be blessed with happiness. Literally this Mantra means: ’Oh precious Jewel in the Lotus’ which refers to the fact that the lotus flower always remains pure and clean although growing in dirty, muddy water. Likewise our Buddha-nature will always remain pure and full of clarity. Buddhists believe that all beings without any exception carry the indestructible Buddha-nature within themselves. Moreover these six holy syllable have the power to promote the six perfections of Giving, Ethics, Patience, Joyful Effort, Concentration and Wisdom.
In this video clip you will see a very unusual combination of Chinese Tai Chi Chuan and the powerful Tibetan Mantra of Compassion ’OM MANI PEME HUM’
Swiss/Tibetan artist Dechen Shak-Dagsay is a passionate practitioner of the ancient Chinese Tai Chi Chuan Tradition and wishes to build a bridge between the Tibetan and Chinese culture. She believes that embracing the beauty of each others cultures is the first step for peace in this world. To promote peace and harmony through her music has always been her sincere wish.
Music : DECHEN
Camera : NYC Stephan Schacher
Edit : Eric de Fino / Adrian Asllani
Composed : Helge van Dyk
Production : VANDYKMUSIC
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