Introduction to Embedded Linux Part 2 - Yocto Project | Digi-Key Electronics

Linux is a powerful operating system that can be compiled for a number of platforms and architectures. One of the biggest draws is its ability to be customized for an application. Tools like Buildroot, OpenWRT, and Yocto Project help us create custom Linux distributions for embedded systems. In this video series, we will explore Buildroot and the Yocto Project. We also demonstrate how you might develop applications for embedded Linux. We will not dive into the specifics of how each of these systems work but give you a good starting place so you can read or watch more advanced material about working with embedded Linux. See this written tutorial if you would like to review the commands issued in this tutorial for the Yocto Project: In this episode, we create another custom Linux image using the Yocto Project (instead of Buildroot). As you will see, there is a lot more work involved in conf
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