Children’s Television - Men Of Action Reel 2 (1951)

Reel 2. A layer of Plaster of Paris is put over the glass and it is put into the oven on a tray. Mr Luxford bangs nails into the lead and then bends a thick layer of lead to place around the edge of the picture. He then puts flux on all the joins of the lead. The soldering iron is applied to the joints. The boys sit down and their teacher puts the projector on to show them a film. A commentary from the teacher and craftsmen takes place over the British Instructional Film called “Stained Glass“. Mr Smith makes the design for a window. A cartoon is made. A light box underneath illuminates the drawing. Mr Luxford is then seen on the film cutting the glass. The tray of glass is taken to Mr Welsh who paints on the details. The glass is then stippled and the highlights are taken out. The glass is then fired after being laid out on a tray of Plaster of Paris. We see the tray being put into different kilns. The pieces of glass are laid on top of the cartoon and the lead is bent around them with
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