ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING Meditation Music ✜ Positive Energy Music
This Track Features Music based on resonating frequency for Each Chakra, with the Root Note Frequency at the Resonating Frequency of Each Chakra. Starting with Root Chakra - The Muladhara - The Foundation of All Chakras and moving all the way up to Crown Chakra - The Sahasrara.
1. Root Chakra :Healing Meditation Music Starts at 00:00
Sanskrit Name - Muladhara
Associated Raag - Shyam Kalyan
Root Note Frequency - 256Hz
Color - Red
Location - Base of the Spine
Function - It governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves.
2. Sacral Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 07:15
Sanskrit Name - Svadhishthana
Associated Raag - Yaman
Root Note Frequency - 288Hz
Color - Orange
Location - In your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval.
Function - The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow