OMG I’m sorry for this?! I wasn’t even sure if I should upload it...
Ok so I’ve finally read the Destiel Fanfic “Twist & Shout“ a few months ago… and it took me some time to recover from that!! Afterwards I felt sooo sad and kinda empty -and totally stupid because COME ON IT’S JUST A FIC?!! what the hell?? After I’ve listened to “Can’t help falling in love“ for DAYS and teared up every time again I decided to make a video. For me it’s always a good way to cope with feelings. and DAMN THOSE FEELS!!! Now I finally understand why so many of you break out in tears when they listen to Elvis or go to the beach or drink a glass of milk or … ughh ok I finally got it. I’m finally one of you :p
If you still haven’t read it but want to, let me give you a good advise: don’t be stupid like me and read it in public, like… in the train…!! God I was crying so hard during the last pages, and I knew people were already glancing over to me but I couldn’t stop the tears, and usually I’m really not comfortable with showing emotions (especially in public!!!) but at that moment I really didn’t care because FUUUUUCK this fanfic is so sad and heartbreakingly beautiful! :’)
So... this is it. Me trying to deal with all the painful T&S feelings. I mainly did this for myself but I thought maybe there are still people out there who likes to cry with me over this wonderful fic again :3
As you will notice, I was inspired by Castiel’s letter (gross sobbing) and this video is told from Cas’ POV (at least the first part...).
► Voiceovers:
„Dear Dean. I was thinking about shells today. I was thinking about shells, and I was thinking about that day at the beach and I can remember sitting on the blanket, looking at the water, and you asked me what I was thinking. I was thinking about how afraid I was that I was never going to love you as much as I did then.
You never really came home, and I understand that now, and I know it wasn’t your fault or mine or anyone’s. It was just circumstances we couldn’t avoid, but I’ve realized that just because we ended the way we did doesn’t define what we were before.
You don’t – you don’t have to be guilty, and I know you are, and I understand why everything happened the way it did. It just happened. We just – it just happened, Dean, and it’s alright. I’m alright. I’ll be okay.
I don’t think I can stop loving you. I think it’s a part of me now, and it’s never leaving. It makes me who I am…
Once, you told me it didn’t seem right to say goodbye. Not really. I thought I’d have to. I thought I’d have to let go of everything I loved about you, but I don’t, and you were right…
The truth of it has never been clearer to me, my darling.
And you are, always, my darling.
Yours, Cas
See you then…”
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