Шелестим #49: Graphitti Designs, Nemesis The Warlock, Hellsing (Распаковка комиксов)

00:00 Приветствие 00:26​​​​ Night and the Enemy (Harlan Ellison & Ken Steacy) 04:36​​​​ Grendel: Devil by the Deed (Matt Wagner) 05:57​ Caatinga (Hermann) 09:05​ The Art of Daniele Serra ​11:38​ Nemesis The Warlock Vol. 1 & 2 15:24​ Berserk Deluxe Edition Vol. 5 16:20​ Hellsing Deluxe Edition Vol. 1 МЫ ВКОНТАКТЕ ​​​​​ НАШ САЙТ ​​​​​ НАШ PATREON
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