Assimilation in American English | Pronunciation Training

Assimilation in American English is the reason why the sentence “Nice to meet you“ sounds like “nice to meetchu.“ As part of the Confident English series on how to Understand Fast English Speakers, this pronunciation training lesson will highlight 6 clear examples of assimilation in American English. Assimilation in pronunciation is the way one sound influences a neighboring sound and, as a result, the two become similar or the same. In my previous Understand Fast English Speakers pronunciation lessons, I’ve highlighted that English speakers regularly drop, delete, link, or blend sounds. Doing this allows us to speak more efficiently, and more smoothly. In fact, it helps our fluency. And it’s one reason native English speakers sound fast. You’re not hearing ALL the sounds of the word. Practice along with me in this pronunciation training on assimilation in American English, with pop quizzes and practice questions. To view the entire l
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