Blink 182 - After Midnight (Guitar Cover)

Gear used: Epiphone Tom DeLonge ES-333 Line 6 POD Go Reaper DAW I do all my videos in one take, so there will be mistakes, just try to ignore them! Gear I use: Guitars: I tend to swap between the 5-6 guitars I own depending on what music I’m playing. They all have their own unique sounds. Guitars I currently own - Epiphone Tom DeLonge ES-333 Fender Tom DeLonge Fender SQ Tom DeLonge Epiphone BIllie Joe Armstrong Fender Standard Tele HH Harley Benton SC-550 II Amps: I tend to just use my Line 6 POD Go straight into my laptop now. I use an original Line 6 Revv Gen Purple amp with Kinky boosts/Tube Screamers on different presets. On occasions I might use my Boss Katana 50 MK2 with Mesa Boogie sneaky amp settings. Strings: I tend to use 9-42 Hybrid Slinkys on my Fender guitars, and 52-10 Skinny Top Heavy Bottom on my Epiphones/Harley Benton. Picks: Tortex .60mm DAW: Reaper
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