American Consumer (1948)

United States of America (USA). SCU. Housewife walking around a chain grocery self service store (supermarket), helping herself to goods and placing them on basket trolley which she wheels before her - two shots. MS. Elevated shot as she helps herself to a cauliflower from the grocery section. CU. Track along display of fruit and vegetables. MS. After completing her shopping, the housewife pays for her goods at till and has them packed by assistant. MS. Exterior of the ’A & P’ supermarket, housewife leaving with her shopping. Housewife enters her car and drives off. MS. Housewife entering the supermarket - two shots. MS. A household appliances shop - two shots. Exterior of the shop. CU. A household appliances shop - two shots - exterior of the shop. Various shots of the kitchen appliances in the store - dishwasher, fridge, washing machine. MS. Interior of an American kitchen. Man sitting eating breakfast while wife serves it to him. MS. Back view, man gets up from breakfast, goes over to his wife stan
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