Why Do So Many People Dislike Israel?

We, the people of Israel, have to correct ourselves by uniting “as one man with one heart,” and by doing so, become a conduit for such unification to spread worldwide. Until we do so, then the lack of unity in the world surfaces as myriad problems and crises, and more and more people feel subconsciously that the people of Israel are to blame for their shortcomings. Therefore, the shift to a harmonious and peaceful world depends on our unity. When we unite, we form a critical mass that then enables humanity as a whole to also come together. Then, when there is a spirit of unity among human society, it alleviates the many forms of suffering that emerge on personal, social and global scales. This unifying spirit beyond divisions is what originally made us known as “the people of Israel” (“Israel” from two Hebrew words, “Yashar Kel” [“straight to God”], which means a people aimed directly at the source quality of love). We were people who first came together around 4,000 years ago not based o
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