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Sleep comes instantly within 3 minutes ♥ Sleep music for babies ♫ Lullabies by Mozart and Brahms. The whole world dreams of peaceful and deep sleep, especially when it comes to our precious little ones. A long day is full of play, learning and excitement, which is why it is so important to provide them with the right environment to relax. And what could be more soothing and relaxing than the melodies of great composers? The music of Mozart and Brahms has long been known for its calming properties. Their lullabies immerse us in a world of harmony and tranquility, creating ideal conditions for quality sleep. Studies have shown that the music of these composers can slow down the heartbeat, reduce stress levels and create optimal conditions for relaxation. But not only adults love to enjoy this wonderful music. It will also bring great well-being and comfort to the kids. Lullabies by Mozart and Brahms have become real sleep songs for children. They instantly immerse your baby in t
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