At Campi Flegrei, an unusually potent algae bloom occurred on April 7th, which coincided with some of the more potent earthquakes in the region. Algae blooms in the coast around Pozzuoli has lead some to believe that the algae bloom could be linked to volcanic activity in the region, as algae blooms in that area in the spring are caused by warm water upwelling from below, making residents concerned that this is due to volcanic activity.
While today only two microquakes occurred, two 0.1 magnitude tremors, too small to be felt, uplift is still occurring, which is the most likely cause of the tremors, as the uplift is putting pressure on regional faults in the caldera, in addition to the hydrothermal system which is producing quakes as well.
While an eruption is not imminent at this time, the volcanic field has entered another period of unrest not scene since in the 100 years before the monte Nuovo eruption.