Q - Take me where your heart is cover + ( chords and tabs )

⬇Chords and tabs down here in the description⬇ Ah yes, classic sock on the couch that I cant stop looking at. But I hope you enjoyed the video, and if you got to the end you’ll know what I’m doing soon so keep your eyes peeled for that one !!! How to play take me where your heart is (guitar tutorial) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WE GOT THE CHORDS, WE GOT THE TABS AND WE GOT THE MAGIC HERE BABY!! chords (All barre chords - yea i know) ------------------------------------------------------------ Luckily the same pattern is played the whole song so here it is Verse/Chorus F# (244322), Bbm7(686666), B (799877), C# (446664) D#min (668876), Bbm7 (686666) B (799877) , Bbm7 (686666) Bridge Bbm7 (686666) , Abmin7 (464444)  Picking pattern ----------------------------- E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
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