Two Pinned Siblings — Vinny T and Candice at Bike Park Châtel
Vincent Tupin, aka Vinny T, aka Vinny Too Pinned. This “too pinned“ nickname has stuck to Vinny’s skin since a shoot at Châtel back in the days when he kept shooting himself off the tracks in front of Andreu & Luis Lacondeguy because he was way too hot. Tupin, Toupine with Andreu’s accent, Too Pinned with Vinny’s unique riding style.
Is it that unique though? Not sure after seeing little sister Candice coming up to speed now. I met Candice a decade ago when picking up Vinny at home to go filming and nothing would have made me think that one day I would be out in the bike park filming with both of them. Time flies, the Tupins too.
Video by Gaëtan Rey.
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