Mario Strikers Battle League on PC (Full Version)

Mario Strikers Battle League on PC (Full Version) Think of Mario Strikers: Battle League as a good weekend soccer match: friends get together, few rules, and a lot of fun - all you have to do is replace the barbecue with turtle shells and you’re good to go. It’s impressive how the soccer vibe matches the cooperative nature of the Nintendo Switch, even though the “cracking“ of Battle League feels like it did 17 years ago in the 128-bit era. Check out our review: Mario Strikers is yet another great example of the Big N’s ability to reinvent certain sports with its “nintendism“, see the great Mario Golf and Mario Tennis franchises. The dynamic of freestyle soccer in Battle League is not just about scoring goals, or putting the ball in the net, as it is equally important to neutralize your opponents with violent moves. For example: you not only can, but you must get in the volley to throw your rival into an electrified wire fence, so you leave the opposing team with o
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