Dresden Blue - Double Staff Practice Log - Strength In One

Long time no post! I’ve been deep in rehearsals for new projects, but wanted to share a practice log from last night in advance of my double staff workshop today at FlowToys. I love this track by Dirtwire, “Strength in One“, which has a slow and beautiful build that encouraged me to move slowly and sink into the different geometries that double staff has to offer. It can be tempting to move quickly, all the time, when feeling impassioned (or caffeinated) - the rises and falls in this song encourage me to slow down, sink into my lunges, and mind the shapes I am making with my body and not just with my sticks. More exciting stuff on the horizon! If you’re curious where to see me teach & perform this spring, follow my FB page if you aren’t already: FlowToys workshop event link: Cheers!
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