Solar Eclipse LIVE Coverage (with Video & Updates)

Join us for live coverage of the solar eclipse, featuring live eclipse video! We’ll show you the total solar eclipse live in Mexico, the United States, and Canada, and we’ll also read your comments on the air! The will be the first total solar eclipse seen in the US since 2017, and the next total solar eclipse visible in the lower 48 states won’t be until 2044. In this live broadcast we will have live video of the eclipse seen from various places in Mexico, the US, and Canada. Host Steve Lookner will bring you the latest breaking news updates on the solar eclipse and he’ll read your comments and questions about the eclipse live! Thumbnail photo from NASA. Agenda-Free TV licenses live news videos from AFP and Reuters. Some of those videos may appear in this broadcast. Follow us on Twitter/X! Follow us on Facebook! Your donations keep us on the air! Donate at http
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