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Victory at the 18th International Chopin Piano Competition in October 2021 turned Bruce Liu into a worldwide sensation. Deutsche Grammophon’s live album of his competition recordings was released to rave reviews the following month, and the Canadian-Chinese pianist became an exclusive DG artist in March 2022. Now Bruce Liu, “a pianist with a captivating musical personality“ (Financial Times), has recorded his h
...ighly anticipated debut studio album, spanning two centuries of French keyboard music. The Paris-born pianist has taken a historical approach in selecting his repertoire, focusing on three French composers who played a central role in the development of keyboard music between the 18th and early 20th centuries: Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-88) and Maurice Ravel (1875-1937).
The album’s title reflects both the nature theme that runs throughout the album and Liu’s spontaneous style: “The sea is always changing,“ he notes. “And my approach to the music I play is never fixed.“ Since winning the Chopin Competition Bruce Liu has become renowned for his breathtaking, charismatic live performances. Recording an entire studio album therefore posed a different challenge, but one he has relished. “For me, it’s in a studio that you can really make your own puzzle,” he explains. “It’s like making a piece of art, putting everything together.”
Bruce Liu - Alkan: Recueil de chants, Op. 65: No. 6, Barcarolle
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