Vintage Culture, Fancy Inc, Roland Clark - Free (Original Mix) [visualizer]

Download/stream: I had a vision about being back on the road, living the joy of our scene, the music. The celebration around it. That has become a message, a new song, and the theme of this so desired and awaited return. It is with so much love that I, Fancy Inc, and Roland Clark present you with “Free“. See you all again on the dancefloor! Thanks, Fisher and Catch n Release. Lyrics: F R E E Vintage Culture, Fancy Inc, Roland Clark It wasn’t so long ago when we last saw each other.... When we last danced together under the same stars. I remember it like it was yesterday when and full moons and summer breezes accompanied us in open fields of love... We would hold hands as our favorite melody trickled out of the speakers like raindrops from clouds... and the only thing that mattered was that we were together ...Together. But I’m here to deliver the news that those days we treasure so much a
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