Army Painting: Blood Angels

In this video we’re taking a look at some recipes and techniques to get a great looking army of Blood Angels painted in a realistic time-frame. Let us know what you think of the format and what other armies you’d like to see guides for! Paints used: Tamiya XF2 Flat White GW - Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Khorne Red, Contrast Flesh Tearers red, Grey Knight Steel, Rhinox Hide VMC - Dark Grey, French Mirage Blue, Blue Green, White, Salmon Rose VMCS - Gunmetal Grey S75 - Despair Green, Gobi Brown, Decayed Metal, Elven Gold Paint list key: GW: Games workshop VMC: Vallejo model colour VMA: Vallejo model air VGC: Vallejo game colour VGA: Vallejo game air VMCS: Vallejo metal colour series SC: Scale 75 Webstore : Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Airbrush: Wet Palette used: Paint brushes used: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Music: In the Atmosphere by Bad Snacks Video Link:
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