POV: you break neil cicierega from his stoney prison, and in return he helps you fend off the dead

neil has been encased in stone by the cabinet men, and it is up to [PLAYER] to save him! will they free him, or will neil cicieorega be trapped forever????? the last neilcraft vid went absolutely crazy thank you so much!!!!!! here’s a sequel, and i might make more if this does well too? idk. anyway thank you so much!!!!!!!! EDIT: here’s an updated link to the resource pack! hopefully soon it’ll get authorised on a proper texture pack website, but until then unfortunately this is all i can do. #kxaP0dSNqSHapdn7iEFqkEVkNwyQ68uUmY7XxoTbN5M to install it, go to the link and download the zip file. then, find the file in File Explorer and right click it, then press Extract. next, start minecraft, go to Settings, then go to Resource Packs, then press Open Pack Folder. then drag the extracted neilcraft folder into the resource packs folder, and it should then appear in your resource pack menu in-game. i hope this helps, but if it still doesn’t work then there’s plenty of tutorials ava
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