#tf2 #rwby #sfm #anime #game
🤠Sorry for some lag shit in this video. SFM is lagging all the time so I can’t fix it :((((
This animation took me for about 4-5 mouth to complete. I’m very happy that I finished it))) Actually I’m out of ideas about RWBY X TF2. I’ll be very happy if you give me some ideas so you can be in the credits in next video)))
👾Used music:
Undertale OST - Bird That Carries You over a Disproportionately Small Gap
Undertale OST - Mysterios Place
Undertale OST - Sans
Undertale OST - Dating Start
Drunken Master 2 OST
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
And the other TF2 music that you know very well...
😺Background from preview: #query=vs&position=7&from_view=search&track=sph