Green neon rasbora ( Microdevario kubotai )

DESCRIPTION General: The Green Neon Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai) naturally thrives in the rivers of peninsular Thailand. This small community fish will typically occupy the mid, to upper, levels of the environment. The Green Neon Rasbora will peacefully accept a large variety of tank mates, and are a hardy addition to any new aquarium. Reproduction: This egg-scatterer will likely breed when optimal water chemistry has been consistently met. Floating plants, as well as a quality diet, will promote reproductive behaviors. Preferred Water Chemistry: Slightly acidic ( pH), intermediate water hardness (3-12 dGH) Aquarium Diet: Brine Shrimp, Blackworms, general flake, omnivore pellet, Spirulina Dimorphism: Once mature, Green Neon Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai) males will become slightly brighter in coloration. The female Green Neon Rasbora will take on a more gravid appearance when ready to reproduce. Compatibility: The Green Neon Rasbora (Microdevario kubotai) are typically compatible with other small Tetra, Danio, Rasbora, and Corydoras.
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