Footage from the documentary “The Secrets of Khomei, Voices From Tuva“
Lyrics (translated from questionable subtitles):
On this earth we live
we live for centuries here
This is Tuva, our country
and we are Tuvans!
(Second verse missing)
(Ayan-ool Sam)
The country is our life
Delighted are our hearts
Because we still live in the same way
That we have always lived
(Bady-Dorzhu Ondar)
As long as our steppe exists
As long as our taiga exists
We remain here
Until the end of days
If we want to r
8 months ago 00:16:08 1
Практика 29 лунного дня #лунныйкалендарь #астропрогнознакаждыйдень #лунныедни #астрология
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КОНЦЕРТ«МЫ - ДЕТИ ЧЫРГАЛ-ООЛА» Кызылского колледжа искусств имени А.Б. Чыргал-оола