Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Intro Pedal Tutorial - DigiTech RP155

Always wanted to find out how to make that awesome intro to Green Day’s Boulevard of Broken Dreams and after messing around with my pedal... I found it! Here is the list of the settings you need if you are using the Digitech RP155 from scratch... PICKUP - OFF WAH - OFF COMPRESSOR - OFF DISTORTION - ON - Dial 1 = TS - Dial 2 = 60 - Dial 3 = 50 - Dial 4 = 50 AMPLIFIER - ON - Dial 1 = 90 - Dial 2 = VT - Dial 3 = 99 - Dial 4 = 56 EQUALIZER - ON - Dial 1 = MB - Dial 2 = 7 - Dial 3 = 4 - Dial 4 = 3 NOISE GATE
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