“Ramayana“ - Epic Sand Art Short Film by Lawrence Koh
The Ramayana or Rāmāyaṇa (Sanskrit: रामायणम्, Rāmāyaṇam), is the first of two Sanskrit itihāsas (ancient Indian heroic epic poem) traditionally ascribed to the Hindu muni (sage) Vālmīki—the other one being the Mahābhārata attributed to Kṛṣṇa Dvaipāyana Vyāsa.
The epic narrates the life of Rāma, a legendary rāja-kumāra (prince) of Kośala, his banishment from his kingdom by his father king Daśaratha, his travels across forests in India with his wife Sītā and brother Lakṣmaṇa, the kidnap of his wife by his enemies, resulting in a war with Rāvaṇa (the king of the island of Laṅkā) and eventual return to Ayodhya to be crowned king.
The Ramayana is one of the largest ancient epics in world literature. It is comprised nearly 24,000 verses (mostly set in the śloka meter), divided into seven Kā
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