Stefan & Elena || We might fall

Song: We might fall by Ryan Star Program: Cyberlink Powerdirector 9 OMG. I honestly think 3x05 was the best episode out of all tvd episodes. Every moment was just sooo intense. It had so much action,..forwood, stelena, , rebekah...(idk y i jus really like her attitude:)...I LOVED matt and bonnie though i dont support them romantically:) but since i made a stelena what i have to say about them... THEY WERE EPIC. Like seriously, the way stefan fought klaus’s compulsion was ...“the only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl“ after eveything weve been through you owe me that...“ i love how elena says that:) and the way stefan pushes klaus when he told him to turn it off... i just think they’re relationship is so powerful and i really dont understand why people bash them. Yes, i love delena too. But it doesnt make stelena you havent felt anything between these two by
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