Free Energy Twin Rotor Magnetic Motor

Free energy twin rotor magnetic motor. This is a prototype of a free energy twin rotor magnetic motor. We got the idea to build this from the internet. We used 2 rotors that are connected together through gears and they turn oppositely in respect to each other. Each rotor has 8 neodymium permanent magnets, each permanent magnet sits on top of a special mumetal that is supposed to help shield the back side of the permanent magnet. All permanent magnets on both rotors are facing south in the outward direction. In the center in between the 2 rotors, there is a metal ramp where the distance to the approaching magnets is greater and progressively moving closer. The permanent magnet will be attracted to it and will tend to follow the ramp up to the end of the ramp and slightly past. At this point, the permanent magnets on each rotor begin to feel each others’ repulsion forces and begin to repel each other, and at the same time, new magnets are entering the metal ramp causing continuous rotation of both rotors i
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