SEWING IN 10 MINUTES 💥 Fits All Sizes!! This Cut Will Surprise You
SEWING IN 10 MINUTES 💥 Fits All Sizes!! This Cut Will Surprise You,Anyone can sew it, it is very easy, it is very easy to cut and sew a raglan sleeved tunic, whether you are sewing a dress or a tunic. I used 1.5 meters of kaskorse combed cotton with a width of 120 cm. You can sew long sleeves with a fabric with a wider width. Since my fabric is narrow in width, it has poor sleeves.I tried turquoise sleeves and it was very nice.u won’t believe how easy it is, cutting and sewing a very easy raglan sleeve blouse (tunic) suitable for all sizes up to size 38/40/42/ up 1cm to get larger sizes
sewing a dress without buying, practical dress, cutting and sewing a dress with easy cups, how to sew a dress, easy dress sewing, anyone can sew it, let’s learn how to sew together, the easiest and most practical pattern ,Visit my channel for easy and practical sewing, simple sewing methods, sewing tips, cutting and sewing, pattern making, simple sewing techniques, practical cutting and sewing projects, easy sewing tutorials for beginners, free patterns and simple DIY projects.
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