(Ewan Dobson) Marli - Cover - Salomon Jakobsson

Cover of Marli by Ewan Dobson, from the album Ewan Dobson II. Ewan himself actually saw this cover and he wrote a comment about it on my facebook page!!! He wrote: “Great work on nailing Marli... you got the groove and feel down. :)“ I really like this tune, it’s one of the few calm tunes Ewan has made. On the album it’s played on a baritone guitar, but there’s a live version here on YouTube where he plays it on a normal guitar where he has tuned it to an open C# Minor tuning like I did on this recording. The timing of the tune is pretty hard, even though I practiced it with a metronome. I made two different recordings - one where I played with a metronome and this one without to see wich one that got best. And this one got best without a doubt, even though it not is as tight as the other one. I guess a lot of feeling gets removed by not focusing on the music, but on the beat instead. But Ewan him
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