Common Lisp web development: how to build a website in Lisp · part 1
✅ We build a web app with a welcome screen and a search form to display a list of products. We see: the Hunchentoot web server, routing, HTML templates, error handling, we use free Bulma CSS templates and, more importantly… we see some common traps!
⭐ This video was made for my tippers on ko-fi and specially Marc. Thanks, Marc!
❪ ❫ In the next ones we’ll add the search form, we’ll see how to run the app from the terminal and how to build a self-contained binary, containing the server and the templates, making it so easy to deploy to a production server or to ship with Electron.
📚 The accompanying resources are:
More content:
- on error handling:
- more web libraries: #web-frameworks
📢 🤶 ⭐ If you want to learn Common Lisp efficiently, without hitting all the walls as I did, then have a look at my course (with a discount): and read more about it here: CL is absolutely worth learning for its stability, power and fun. No other language equals it.
🚀 I recently added a full chapter on macros, with 17 condensed videos.
And more content again:
- our web project skeleton:
- a demo on how to live-reload data on your website: (just as we do in the video)
🫶 Thanks and happy lisping.
Sound credit: : taavhaap relaxing forest birds; stomachache los angeles police and fire scanner.
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