The Story of the Enigmatic and Mysterious Tube Drills of Ancient Egypt - UnchartedX full documentary
This is an investigation into the story and mystery of the enigmatic tube drills of Old Kingdom Egypt. A story that stretches across 150 years, from Petrie to Lehner to Dunn, this is an astonishing tale, with a startling and challenging conclusion!
A full length documentary, this has been in the works for a long time! I will release several ’addendum’ videos on this topic. Please consider supporting UnchartedX for more work like this via the value-for-value model at !
Part 2, some additional thoughts, is here:
Petrie’s documents and books available at
Chris Dunn’s website (with articles)
Pennsylvania University study into Drill Cores:
Link to Mark Lehner/PBS Nova documentary (fragment):
More details available at the page for this video at