The PC port is now 70% finished, with 835/1190 functions rewritten! The last two months of progress was contributed by Niko, Faradise, and DCxDemo. Now supporting 16:9 60 FPS.
The Adventure Garage now has working UI, and as a bonus, you can type on a real computer keyboard to enter your name, opposed to using the controller D-Pad buttons.
In Time Trial, ghosts are now fully implemented. Both N. Tropy and N. Oxide ghosts can be replayed and spectated with the in-game freecam.
In VS and Battle, all drivers spawn on the starting line.
What is not directly visible in the PC port yet, but will be ready soon:
- Particle Effects rewrite needs 2 more functions.
- Player controls are fully implemented.
- Player physics are half implemented.
- Collisions are a quarter implemented.
- 100 audio functions are rewritten, only a few remain.
- All MDEC video decoder functions are rewritten.
- PC port will replace MDEC with QuickTime API.
- Camera code has been rewritten for some kart modes, still need a few more.
- Several functions related to in-game weapons have been rewritten.
- New UI improvements.
When the PC port is finished, we plan to shift focus to content expansion. On PC, without being chained to the original file formats, we can create new formats that bake VBO/IBO data into the level that the PC port can read. This heavily reduces the amount of work required to make Maya or Blender plugins, reduces the workload for artists, and increases game performance.
While we do plan to support custom levels on the original PS1, an easier first-step would be PC-only levels, then going back to console support.
Online multiplayer will also be significantly easier to program, without the overhead of emulator synchronization, or process injection overhead. PC-only Live hot-reload tools will let us rapidly test and develop multiplayer code, without needing to restart the server or client for every change in the code, which we had to do for our OnlineCTR 2020 mod.
Stay tuned for more.
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