The War of Chimeras \ Війна химер (2017) - Trailer

The story of war, love and death that was filmed by the immediate participants of events. Off screen and later on it are the two – a boy and a girl. He volunteered for the front; she went to the place just after the battle. He got into Ilovaysk cauldron, lost his closest brother-soldiers. She, while travelling along the ruined towns, strives to understand the essence of war and love. Both tell openly one another about their feelings during the war, escaping the cauldron, a try to live together after, and a common trip to the frontline. Directed by Anastasiia&Mariia Starozhytsky Filmed by Anastasiia Starozhytska Valerii Lavrenov Yurii Bedenko Editor Mykola Bazarkin Sound editor Vasyl Gudz Music by Anton Baybakov Colorist Artem Sirchenko *** Історія про війну, кохання та смерть, відзнята її безпосередніми учасниками. За кадром, а потім і в кадрі двоє, хлопець та дівчина. Він пішов добровольцем, вона поїхала туди, звідки щойно пішла війна. Він потрапив у Іловайський котел, втратив найближчих побратимі
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