Why are black people in Britain and America more likely to be unemployed or in low-paid jobs?
The orthodox explanation for the less favourable life-chances of various minorities relates to racial prejudice. There may however be other reasons.
Kelly, Yvonne; Sacker, Amanda; Schoon, Ingrid; Nazroo, James (2006) Ethnic differences in achievement of developmental milestones by 9 months of age: the Millennium Cohort Study, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2006, 48: 825–830
McIntosh, Hugh (1997) Why Do African- American Men Suffer More Prostate Cancer?, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 89, Issue 3, 5 February 1997, Pages 188–189
Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Boys: Data From the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network
Marcia E. Herman-Giddens, Jennifer Steffes, Donna Harris, Eric Slora, Michael Hussey, Steven A. Dowshen, Richard Wasserman, Janet R. Serwint, Lynn Smitherman and Edward O. Reiter
Pediatrics November 2012, 130 (5) e1058-e1068; DOI: